Sunday, May 16, 2004

Today was actually pretty amusing at work today.

Where I work, if a digital camera comes back, we normally test it out for a few minutes to make sure everything's okay. So......

A camera comes back, and needs to go out. So the guys take it in back, test it, and put it out on the floor. no problem, right?

Well, this older lady comes in and buys it. A few hours later, she calls laughing so hard I almost can't understand her.

It seems the guys took it in back, and in a fit of boredom proceded to make thier own short rendition of The Hulk movie. Complete with jumping up and down, throwing empty boxes at each other, using paper tube "swords" and yanking off thier work shirts while making the "Hulky" noises!

Obviously they didn't erase it before the camera hit the floor!!!

The lady brought it back and told us she had shown the entire apartment complex the stunning special effects. :p

I have never seen so many guys turn that shade of red in my life. God, I love working here ! :-)


Blogger Amanda said...

Boys and their toys...

8:12 PM  

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