Back to chemo
Well, I got the call from my doctor today, and I'm headed back to the chemo..
Fuck. *sighs*

He said my CEA and CA 19-9 markers dropped waaaay down. But, just not to 0. So, I'm back to the chemo on Tuesdays every other week. For at least 3 more weeks. Hopefully, the Neulasta will work this time for the tiredness.
And Saturday, I'm to have surgery to remove what he called..."A little trouble spot". But, luckily, he's sure he can do it with the scope, or if that fails with a laparoscope. Still...meh. I'd almost rather have stitches that that damn scope.

Then a chest C-ray, and another CAT scan, I'm assuming before the surgery..and then back home.
Christ, at this point, I should glow in the dark.
Anyway, theres the update. And I still have most of my hair...for now.
So, wish me luck. And to all of you that have sent me cards, or text messages, or E-mails or just called..
Thank you all so much. You have no idea what that means to me.

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