Friday, September 23, 2005

Tagged... turn...Hmm...

20 Random things...

1) my middle name is Ann
2) I have a lot of grey hairs now
3) My feet hurt right now
4) I'm a cat person, not a dog person
5) My house is blue
6) I wear glasses
7) I have too much crap in my house
8) My fav color is purple
9) I like chocolate
10)I hate cell phones
11) I had chinese for lunch
12) I have 4 kittens
13) I'm a big Transformers fan
14) I like doing car installs
15) Halloween is my fav holiday
16) I dye my hair
17) I like older movies
18) I can't sing
19) I'm a big Sci-Fi fan
20) I spend too much time on the internet

. full name- Tina Ann(and that's all you really need to know)
. height- 5'6"
. hair color- Dark Brown
. real hair color- Dark Brown
. eye color- Medium Brown
. birthday- September 20
. age- 35

. taken by who? Getting divorced
. for how long? 16 years
. why do you like him/her? Hah! You're kidding. Right?
. is he/she older than you? no

. drink- beer
. ice cream flavor- chocolate
. smell- bread
. sport- football
. channel- Discovery
. celebrity- None, really
. memory- when my kids were born
. candy- Nerds
. show- Star Trek DS9
. animal- cats

This or that
. roses or daisies- roses
. cell phone or AiM- AIM.
. mall or movies- Movies
. tv or computer- computer
. cat or dog- cat
. rock or rap- rock
. water or milk- water
. shorts or pants- pants
. dinner and a movie or walk on the beach- walk on the beach
. blue or pink- blue
. color or black and white- color
. friends or family- family
. baseball or basketball- basketball!
. coke or pepsi- pepsi
. bright or dark- bright!

Last thing you...
. ate- chinese
. drank- water
. saw- kitten in my lap
. touched besides the computer- kitten
. watched on tv- the weather channel
. saw in a movie theater- Fantastic Four
. wanted- food
. needed- food!
. twisted- hair
. listened to- the pc starting up
. squeezed- the botton on my car remote
. yelled at- my boss
. punched- the bag at the gym
. tapped- the top of the table

Last time you...
. cried- yesterday
. yelled- today
. smiled- cant remember
. ate- a few hours ago
. changed clothes- this morning
. slept- too long ago....
. worked out- yesterday
. played a game- I dunno.
. played a sport- does the gym count?
. went to the mall- a while ago
. went to the movies- in July
. ate fast food- at lunch today
. went to church- Too long ago....
. talked to someone- Um.....


Too lazy to do the rest......


Blogger Theresa said...

LOL! It was a rather long survey. I must have been really bored to have finished the whole thing. :)

9:07 PM  

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