Poor Zack!!
Another day...another trip to the ER...
Just got back from taking Zack to the ER....for the second time this week.
First, he had the seizure, then on the same freaking day, he gets banged up in a car accident, and now...he has 22 stitches in his..err..well...right testicle.
Where to start...
He was bouncing around the living room at my mothers when he stepped on one of the floor grates for the heating system. And for some reason, the grate popped open, and one leg slipped through, and his one leg went all the way down. The edge of the grate (metal) sliced him open....waay open.
His right...'fella' was almost completely severed, and he lost some blood.
Anyway, he had to get 22 stitches to fix it all up. And now he's laying on the couch all woozy from the pain meds, still irritated at all the people who came in just to poke him.
I feel so sorry for him because I know that's just gotta hurt like Hell. The way this week is going...I'm heading to bed..
Someone wake me when it's safe.

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