Friday, July 30, 2004

Spider Part II

I killed it!!!!!!!!

I'm happy now........


There is a big ass spider in my house.

Last night it crawled in my front door, just like he owned the place and sauntered up under my audio rack.

Now, I can't find him, and I am freaking out. I know it's under there, but I don't want to pull the rack out to find him.

Help me!!

Thursday, July 29, 2004


Well, today my friend from work dropped off a copy of I,Robot and Anchorman for me.

God I love him.  I, Robot was pretty good, but........

Anchorman was the worst movie ever! I think my IQ went down, just by viewing it.


Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Well, I took some more placement tests for the Navy today.....and it seems I have now placed into the Accelerated Programs. Yay for me!

Now they get to pay for my college and I get to stay (more than likely) in the States. :-)

Friday, July 02, 2004

In the Navy......

Well, I've thought about it some more.

I think I am gonna take them up on thier offer. This would be my last chance to do so.

They tell me that I'll only have to do a 6 week refresher course before I get assigned.

I hope it's still in the US.

Ah well, wish me luck!