Monday, May 31, 2004

Okay, today is Memorial Day.

I had planned to go to the Memorial Service downtown to pay my respects. And my brother who is back from Iraq had planned to go with me.

My boss had called and asked if I could come in for a "few minutes" as they were short staffed. Me, like an idiot, said yes.

Can you believe that he said that I needed to stay because it was more important!

Holy Shit!! Two people I knew had died in the Gulf War, but oh no, work was more important. After I screamed at him for about 10 minutes, he said I could go. Then he said that he forgot that I used to be in the Navy.

I swear I almost slapped him right there on the sales floor. Man, that man is an idiot......

PS, I can still get into my old uniform. :-)

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Dangit!! Why wont the DVD burn on my computer!!???

I've tried every different type of file saving, and it just won't work.

I know I need more memory, but I'm just too cheap to pay for it.

Ah well.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Well, I had my brother call the dating service to check in on it some more. Ed never did finish the application. So what does that mean?? Did he chicken out, or maybe realise that he would get caught?

At first he said he didn't do it. Then he told me that he never meant anything from it. He was curious. Curious?? WTF!!? About what, pray tell?

My mother and my father in law say that he's just looking for some attention. Well, if he wanted some attention, he could have asked. He got it, but I don't think he's gonna like it.

Part of me says that if we've lasted 15 years, then I should try to work it out.

But the majority of me says: "Hey, he cheated once, and now he's trying this shit?? Dump him!"

I guess I really need to look at my options. Everything is in my name, thank God. But, so are all the bills. I can pay for everything, but it's gonna be tight. He's still out of work, but is starting a new job tomorow.


I dunno..........

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Went to go see Shrek 2 last night.

Loved it. Really loved it.

Ahh..... It's hot in here.

Who shut all the windows again?

Friday, May 21, 2004


Thunderstorms. I love'em, and were getting a huge one now. Theres nothing more relaxing than sitting on the porch watching the lightning.

In other news........

Ed and I have decided were gonna have a long talk tomorow after I take the kids over to moms.


Anyway, getting ready to take the kids to go see Shrek 2.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Okay, today I have........

Changed all his passwords on the internet.

Changed the PIN number on his ATM card.

Disconnected the cables on the battery in his van.

"Accidently" put all his favorite shirts in the dryer, instead of hanging them up.

Signed him up with every gay porn site I could find.

Hid one of each of his tennis shoes.

Tommorow is another day..............

Well, yesterday I got a call from a woman who wanted to talk to Ed. She was evasive and said that he was missing some info on his application and he needed to call her back. It was from a dating service.


We've been having issues for a year now, but I guess I've just ignored the signs. I know I've been working more hours and have put on a few pounds, but heck, so has he.

Now he's telling me that he never signed up for that dating service.

Do I look stupid? Not this time buddy. He has strayed in the past, and I still took him back.

I guess I didn't want to accept it, but now I really need to take stock in whats important to me. And this is important.

Ah well.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Do you ever get the feeling that something in your life just isn't.......right?

I've been seeing some things going on in my life for the last few months and I've ignored it.

Little signs that I would see in any of my friends. Things that I would bring to thier attention in an instant.

Stuff I normally wouldn't think twice about.

But, now.....I see them in my life.

I think my husband is cheating on me.


I need to go lie down for a bit.

Ahhh.......I love thunderstorms.

Except when Ed leaves the rear window of my new car down. What a mess!

Well, at least he's taking it in right now to be steam cleaned.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

I want to add more stuff to my Blog. I want to add more links to others blogs, but the stupid code won't listen to me.


Sunday, May 16, 2004

Today was actually pretty amusing at work today.

Where I work, if a digital camera comes back, we normally test it out for a few minutes to make sure everything's okay. So......

A camera comes back, and needs to go out. So the guys take it in back, test it, and put it out on the floor. no problem, right?

Well, this older lady comes in and buys it. A few hours later, she calls laughing so hard I almost can't understand her.

It seems the guys took it in back, and in a fit of boredom proceded to make thier own short rendition of The Hulk movie. Complete with jumping up and down, throwing empty boxes at each other, using paper tube "swords" and yanking off thier work shirts while making the "Hulky" noises!

Obviously they didn't erase it before the camera hit the floor!!!

The lady brought it back and told us she had shown the entire apartment complex the stunning special effects. :p

I have never seen so many guys turn that shade of red in my life. God, I love working here ! :-)

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Today was okay.

But the boys and Ed have been on a bitchy bender for the last two days.


I swear it must be hormones or something.

On a different note, Zack got in a fight at school today, and even though the teacher said that he didn't start it, he was suspended for 3 days as well.

Next time, I'm going to tell him that if he's going to get into trouble anyway, make the fight good.

Does this make me a bad mom?

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Stupid gas company!! They were supposed to be here today to get my service turned back on. No show, so I called them. This is almost word for word how the convo went:

"Hey, you didn't show up today to fix this"

"Yes, I see where you asked to have the service re-establised. Did you want us to come out this week to turn it on?"

(no you stupid heifer, I like taking cold showers!!)

"Yeah, that would be nice. At least it's not cold out!"

"Okay, lemme check. Oh, I see you have an old bill that also needs paid."

"An old bill? I shouldn't even have a balance. What old bill?"

"Lets see. Oh, its from *address* from October in 1987. It's for 501.58. Would you like to pay that on your credit card?"

*breathe in, breathe out*

"Um, yeah I lived there, but, um, that was almost 15 years ago!! I'm faily certain I paid that when I moved to my new address!"

"Oh, okay... Do you still have your receipt?"

"No, I don't. why is this now just showing up. I've bought 3 houses since then and they always pull your credit. It never showed up. Why now? Oh, and I know I paid it. "

"Oh, okay... Do you still have your receipt?"

*strangles the phone and kicks the wall*

"Uh, why would I keep a receipt froma a bill I paid 15 freaking years ago??"

"Oh, well then I can't tun it back on. Yeah, thats a really old bill. I wonder why they never billed you?"

"They probably did send me a new bill, and I'm pretty sure it was paid. They wouldn't have turned the service on at the new address if it wasn't paid."

"Yes ma'am thats true. Thats why I can't reschedule a re-connect until your bill is paid."

"Lady, I'm not paying 500 dollars for a 15 year old bill that was paid!!"

"Oh, okay... Do you still have your receipt?"

*screams into the phone*

"I AM NOT paying 500 dollars to turn on my service when I pay my bill in full every ******* month!! I want to speak to your supervisor!"

"Okay, can you hold?"





And they hung up on me. So now, I get to call my old bank and probably pay lord knows what to find a really old check from back in the 80's.

Crap, that bank closed.

I'm NOT gonna pay it either........

I forgot what I was going to type...........

I need to go to sleep.


Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Well great!! The gas company just showed up and shut my gas off. WTF!?? I just paid the bill last week.

Well, I guess I get to spend the day on the phone......again.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Okay, Ed has officially discovered Alans thread in the Cantina for chatting.

And to think I left him there with Sham and RJ. I think I've created a monster.

Well, today is Mothers Day, and my brothers birthday. Yep, I forgot the brother. :p

As well, he forgot mine. *chuckles*

Sean made me a wind chime at school. I guess I have to at least hang up this poor thing up at least once. He worked so hard on it! :-)

But, a friend of mine dropped off a copy of "VanHelsing" on DVD. He's my hero. :-) He's giving me "Hellboy" tommorow.

In other news, work was crappy.....again. Why do people have to act so freaking cheap, when they know I saw them drive up in a new Beemer, or Mercedes?

If you want the $4000.00 tv, don't sit there and bitch and moan on how expensive it is, and suggest I ask my manager to give it to you for 5 freaking dollars or something else dumbass like that! My job would be perfect if it wasn't for the customers. :-)

Anyway, gonna go hang out at the boards for a bit. I need a good chuckles every now and then.

Well, had to take the little guy to the ER again. Well, his daddy did.

Sean decided to chase a car on his bike, and then the car stopped right in front of him and..


He's okay, but he got read the riot act for not wearing his helmet.

And people wonder why I have grey hair............

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Okay, it appears that someone deleted my old blog. over!!

Went to pick up Zack's prescription for his meds, and I took the wrong one. Geez..You'd think I could read at my age.

Come home from the store and he's running around in his socks and no shoes. And he wonders why he never has any socks to wear.

At least Sean's still asleep.........

Ah, back to work I go. I swear, I spend more time at work than with my kids.
