Friday, September 23, 2005

Tagged... turn...Hmm...

20 Random things...

1) my middle name is Ann
2) I have a lot of grey hairs now
3) My feet hurt right now
4) I'm a cat person, not a dog person
5) My house is blue
6) I wear glasses
7) I have too much crap in my house
8) My fav color is purple
9) I like chocolate
10)I hate cell phones
11) I had chinese for lunch
12) I have 4 kittens
13) I'm a big Transformers fan
14) I like doing car installs
15) Halloween is my fav holiday
16) I dye my hair
17) I like older movies
18) I can't sing
19) I'm a big Sci-Fi fan
20) I spend too much time on the internet

. full name- Tina Ann(and that's all you really need to know)
. height- 5'6"
. hair color- Dark Brown
. real hair color- Dark Brown
. eye color- Medium Brown
. birthday- September 20
. age- 35

. taken by who? Getting divorced
. for how long? 16 years
. why do you like him/her? Hah! You're kidding. Right?
. is he/she older than you? no

. drink- beer
. ice cream flavor- chocolate
. smell- bread
. sport- football
. channel- Discovery
. celebrity- None, really
. memory- when my kids were born
. candy- Nerds
. show- Star Trek DS9
. animal- cats

This or that
. roses or daisies- roses
. cell phone or AiM- AIM.
. mall or movies- Movies
. tv or computer- computer
. cat or dog- cat
. rock or rap- rock
. water or milk- water
. shorts or pants- pants
. dinner and a movie or walk on the beach- walk on the beach
. blue or pink- blue
. color or black and white- color
. friends or family- family
. baseball or basketball- basketball!
. coke or pepsi- pepsi
. bright or dark- bright!

Last thing you...
. ate- chinese
. drank- water
. saw- kitten in my lap
. touched besides the computer- kitten
. watched on tv- the weather channel
. saw in a movie theater- Fantastic Four
. wanted- food
. needed- food!
. twisted- hair
. listened to- the pc starting up
. squeezed- the botton on my car remote
. yelled at- my boss
. punched- the bag at the gym
. tapped- the top of the table

Last time you...
. cried- yesterday
. yelled- today
. smiled- cant remember
. ate- a few hours ago
. changed clothes- this morning
. slept- too long ago....
. worked out- yesterday
. played a game- I dunno.
. played a sport- does the gym count?
. went to the mall- a while ago
. went to the movies- in July
. ate fast food- at lunch today
. went to church- Too long ago....
. talked to someone- Um.....


Too lazy to do the rest......

Thursday, September 22, 2005

I'm alone....

It just dawned on me. I'm alone. For the first time in...well, as long as I can remember. With the divorce finally moving ahead, I'm all by myself.

I mean, I have my kids, and my mother and brothers, and friends, but I'm missing that...Something else.


This will be the first year that I'll spend the Holidays without a partner. And I don't know how I'll handle that, really. I've always had someone there with me, even if it was Ed. Now, I'll be the one in the myself. While everyone is talking and laughing with thier spouses and mates, I'll be...alone.

When people are kissing under the mistletoe...I will be the one on the side who watches.

When the clock strikes midnight on New Years Eve....I wont be kissing my someone special.

*sighs* I guess it just hit me all at once.

And honestly...It's depressing me right now.

So, I thought about it all last night and heres what I want in a life partner:

I want someone who will not only love me, but care for me, trust me, and respect me.

I want him to laugh with me, cry with me, and laugh at my dumb jokes.

I want him to be a kid at heart, but be an adult when I need him too..

I want someone who will watch cartoons with me, someone who likes all those silly sci-fi things..

I want a guy I can take to the movies to see movies like F4 and action flicks..

I want to be able to roll over in the night and know what someones there....when I have bad dreams, someone I can cuddle with..

I want someone who will kill spiders for me, and not laugh at me when I ask him to do it..

I want someone I can just sit and talk too, just for no reason..

I want him to be smart, funny, and more importantly a friend..

I want someone who I know will stand my me, no matter what...

Someone who will hold me in his arms and tell me that everything will be alright in the world...

I guess I just want to be loved....and cared for..

Is that asking too much?

Kids, and School

Well, this is a good thing.

I had to go to school today to re-enroll my son in class. He has a form of Autism and goes to spesial Ed classes..Anyway.

His new school happenes to be the one his older brother goes to also. And Zack is well, an average teen..angsty and all that. Well..

All the time I'm there, theres a steady flow of teachers in and out and thay all stop to talk to me about Zack.

"Oh, such a nice boy. Always listens and does what I tell him"

"Zack is the nicest boy..."

"Oh, he's doing so great! A pleasure to have in class..."

Okay..who is this at school? It can't be my son...Right?

As I'm thinking this, he walks in with another teacher and HOLDS OPEN THE DOOR FOR HER...! My son! Wow....

Well, I guess he's good at hiding it at home. :-)