Wednesday, September 29, 2004

I give up. I swear.........

*sigh* Well, thats just Prime..........

Man, I just had the perfect ending for the perfect day.

You know the kind of day I've had.

Well, since it's nice and cool out. Almost chilly actually, I decided to use ne of the firelogs left over from last year.

I opened the fireplace, lit the log, and stepped back to enjoy a soothing fire to calm my nerves.


I forgot about the damper.

The entire living room filled with smoke, so I had to open all the windows and doors to air it out.

I just started laughing so hard I had tears running down my face.

I need a beer. And I'm out of beer.


The day from Hell

I swear, this day sucks.

This morning, I got up like I normally do, loaded my dishwasher, like I normally do, and for some reason, didn't run it.

My car needed to go to the shop, and heres where the fun starts.....
I was just told that the head gasket and manifold will need fixed. And hey, by the way, your two rear tires are so bald on the inside that the wires are poking out.

Head gasket and extras: $4000
Two rear tires, $400.


Go home and while I'm debating on wether to fix the car or just trade it in, the doorbell rings, at 3:05 pm mind you.

It's the water company telling me they just shut my water off.

WTF!!?? I just paid this...didn't I?

Crap, I didn't. Oh well, it's only $85.00. I'll just run down and pay it real quick and.....

Whats that? The closed at 3:oo? F###!

Great. No water till morning. Double f###, I didn't run the dishwasher either.....

Joy, joy to the world.

I'm just waiting on a meteorite to fall on my head right now.............

I think I need a hug.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

It's my birthday today.........

Happy Birthday me. :-)

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Heres the new kitten

. Ain't he cute?

Sunday, September 12, 2004


Okay, at work, I'm the girl they call when something needs fixed or hooked up, or whatever. Be it a new home theater system, satelitte or custom install.

On wednsday, we got in 3 new Bose systems. My boss, hereafter called..Satan, says.:

"Tina, the Bose reps are coming in on Sunday. We (you) gotta have them hooked by then, or else!!"

So I spent the last three days hooking up displays tha had no nots, bolts or mounting hardware. I had to scrounge the entire store to find screws that sorta worked, cut them and then grind them down to size in the car install bay. "!!##%#$@"

So here I am, Sunday morning, tired sweaty and thouroughly pissed off when the two Bose reps walk in. They take a good long look at the displays, turn to me and say:

"Hey, you got most of it done" Now I'm suspicious. I ask them why they say this. Heres the kick in the head.

"Well," I tell them, "You sent an e-mail saying we had to have this done by Sunday morning."

He looks at me funny and says:

"Well, no. I sent your boss an e-mail saying that we were gonna be in Sunday to hook all this up."

I am going to kill him.
